
17 June 2014

Introduction to tropical w0nder

Introduction to tropical w0nder 

Hello everyone, 

This is my first ever blog post and I decided it should be something to introduce me and for you reading to know a little bit about myself. I will also be talking about what my blog is going to be about and what my future posts will withhold. 
So first of all, my name is Sophie and I'm 13 years old. Some may consider that a potentionally young age to be doing something like this but by no means is my blog going to be giving you defiant evidence that this is a very good product or you should be buying this and that. My blog is just going to be about my advice and personal opinions on things I have been enjoying and maybe even things I haven't been enjoying. If you want to take my advice into consideration and go check out a product then please feel free but I don't want to make anyone feel obliged to go and buy something. My blog is going to consist of all things, makeup/beauty, fashion and lifestyle related and all three of these topics I love and look forward to sharing with you. 
I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while but didn't want to make one that no one would read or get anything from and basically waste me time. However I asked on my themed Instagram page not too long ago and a group of you said that you would check out my blog (which as you can imagine made me really happy.) So after then thinking about it I decided to start one up and with came tropical w0nder. 
I would love to know what future blog posts you would like to see so please either mention on my Instagram (@/alohaitsophiex) or on here because I would love to see some of your suggestions and ideas. 
Thank you for reading and I'll will be back soon. Bye - Sophie x